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For paramoudras, Thorpeness/Sizewell coast, Portland Stone in Ipswich and lots more open up GeoSuffolk Times 34.


A popular phosphatic nodule for Crag animals. It has been bored by molluscs (?) and settled on by barnacles. A fine specimen found recently near Ramsholt.

Read about the Hoxnian and Ipswichian interglacials, view a photo of the Amoeboceras brought to one of our recent 'show and tell' events for identification - download GeoSuffolk Times 33.


A young enthusiast at today's Suffolk Wildlife Trust event found this large flint with part of a fossil Inoceramus shell of late Cretaceous age.


Whilst at Knettishall Fair we investigated the 2016 trench across Breckland vegetation stripes.

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GeoSuffolk c/o Ipswich Museum, High Street, Ipswich, IP1 3QH