The chance to hold an Ice Age rock attracted many visitors to GeoSuffolk's stands at Ipswich Museum and Colchester Natural History Museum during the last two days. For many it was the reptile vertebrae brought by ice from Yorkshire and for others, the Acheulian hand axe which were the main attractions. For the child in the photo it was the sabre-teeth of this large extinct cat which held her attention.
Download GeoSuffolk Times no 52 for news of SSSI monitoring including Red Crag and London Clay at Bawdsey Cliff; Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB Work Parties and more.
Bawdsey Cliff SSSI January 2022.
This Coralline Crag pit which is part of the Orford Castle Scheduled National Monument is well worth a visit.
Yesterday GeoSuffolk and Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB volunteers re-exposed this ancient Coralline Crag trough. Hidden for many years, this feature is now available for research workers at an SSSI on private land at Gedgrave. This is part of GeoSuffolk's Coralline Crag programme this winter - see Orford Castle pit CGS (publicly accessible) and Sudbourne Park SSSI.
This SSSI was a hive of activity on December 14th. AONB volunteers were carrying out conservation work on the Coralline Crag and GeoSuffolk was condition monitoring for the Geology Trust. The pit is on private property, but can be viewed from the adjacent public footpath as in the photograph. We told several hikers on the footpath that they were actually walking on a Pliocene sea bed! The next AONB Work Party at a geology site is March 8th - see Events page for more information.