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GeoSuffolk has been monitoring some of our geological SSSIs for Natural England again this winter. A visit to Neutral Farm Pit SSSI in November showed work done in the last few years by GeoSuffolk and Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB Work Parties has been of lasting benefit. The photo shows an exposure of Red Crag, with a shell bed sitting on a current-bedded unit clearly visible.

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GeoSuffolk's recent visit to see Orford Castle's new 'coat' revealed that buff-coloured mortar now covers and stabiises the septarian nodules - note also the replacement Caen Stone blocks. For more read the October 2022 GeoSuffolk Times.


GeoSuffolk's new leaflet tells the story of the building stones of the Cathedral gardens in Bury St Edmunds - John Betjeman's 'God's Square'. The text is by Tony Redman (who was Surveyor of the Fabric to St Edmundsbury Cathedral), with photos and captions by C Markham and R Markham respectively.


Congratulations to the Ipswich Society for co-ordinating one of the most successful Heritage Open Days ever, with record high visitor numbers. On Saturday September 10th St Peter's by the Waterfront saw more than 400 visitors through its doors - and most of these visited GeoSuffolk's stand displaying both local and exotic building stones.


The Tournai Limestone font in St Peters.


This new book from Ian and Ros Mercer comes highly recommended. £29.99 Pelagic Publishing, ISBN 978-1-78427-279-1

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GeoSuffolk c/o Ipswich Museum, High Street, Ipswich, IP1 3QH