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Dr Elizabeth Harper has been appointed Acting Director of the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. When young, Liz collected fossils at Ipswich Geological Group meetings.

Liz wrote to GeoSuffolk: I started to go to Ipswich Geological Group Meetings sometime in the mid 1970s. Taking my long-suffering father along to actually provide the spade-power I collected and collected. Bulcamp, Battisford, Barham, Aldeburgh Brickworks, Stoke railway tunnel, Sutton Knoll, Sudbourne, Chillesford, Tattingstone, Newbourne, Covehithe, Bawdsey, Levington, Alderton, Gedgrave and Ramsholt and probably many more all succumbed to the I.G.G. activities. When the regular newsletter, beautifully written in Bob's hand, appeared it was as if (at least to me) as though some new exotic holiday brochure had arrived. The sun, it seemed, always shone (but perhaps we only attended on those days). And the holes were huge – not, I think, an exaggeration of a child's eye view. I remember those at Sudbourne and Tattingstone dug over the course of two days which would make modern H & S officials blanche. Paddling about in the water baled from the bottom of these holes, amongst the piles of spoil, what rich pickings there were to be found.

For more information on Dr Elizabeth Harper, follow this Sedgwick Museum link.


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GeoSuffolk c/o Ipswich Museum, High Street, Ipswich, IP1 3QH